Thursday, March 15, 2012

Anthony Michael Hall Arrested: Caption This Photo

It appears that former Brat Packer Anthony Michael Hall has gotten himself into a little bit of trouble for being well, kind of a douche. His recent brush with the law is why he is Right Celebrities Caption This photo contest for the week. What can I say Anthony Michael Hall may have gotten himself arrested last night for causing a ruckus but he will forever to me be the geek from all those 80’s John Hughes movies. More on both of those topics in a hot second but first since it has been a couple of weeks since our Caption This contest let me give you the lowdown on it again. Just take a gander at the above pic of Anthony and caption it by leaving your witty remarks in the below comments section. Then check back next Tuesday when an all new hot picture and topic are posted to see if your name is in print as the big winner! Yes I promise there will be a new topic the contest is back my friends so get captioning. Ok now here is what happened with Hall. According to Gossip Cop he was causing a commotion in the common [...]

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