Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Real Reason Anderson Cooper Was Attacked In Egypt!

Oh maaaan! This is BRUTAL - but also HIGHlarious!
Check out this clip of Jimmy Kimmel explaining the REAL reason that Anderson Cooper was attacked in Egypt this past week (above), during a segment on last night's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!
LOLz! We didn't even realize that Kathy Griffin was over there, too!
Good lord! [...]


Good lord! He makes for one devastatingly seksi superhero!

Check out the first official one-sheet movie poster for Captain America: The First Avenger (above) starring the always-lickable Chris Evans in the title role!

Yum and YUM!

This just gets us all the more excited to the first footage of this when it airs during the Super Bowl!

What do U think?? Will U go see Captain America??

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